Nettauksjonsforvalter og reklameside godkjent av Justisdepartementet

Servertid Thu 13/03/2025 time 06:14 | Europe/Rome

Lighting Equipment and Various

Lodd 24

Auksjon n.13057

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  • Lighting Equipment and Various 1
  • Lighting Equipment and Various 2
  • Lighting Equipment and Various 3
  • Lighting Equipment and Various 4
  • Lighting Equipment and Various 5
  • Lighting Equipment and Various 6
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The lot includes:
Local electrical installation
Local Lighting
2 Samsung T.WIN 7.5 Kw vents
2 Samsung T.WIN nozzles of 10 Kw
Samsung Sistem T-win 14 Kw air conditioner
Samsung Sistem T-win air conditioner 20 Kw
Local ventilation
Thermo electric Thermor 50L
Led lighting
Rectangular Lamps
It was not possible to verify the actual existence and state of conservation of the air conditioners.
It could happen that some elements are not present. It is advisable to carry out a vision to check the condition and quantities of the goods.


Utsatt parti for


Minimum bud € 250,00

Kjøpers premie 10,00 %

Sikkerhetsinnskudd: € 500,00

Tilleggsgebyrer for administrasjon € 910,00

MVA på lotteri 21,00 %hvor det er relevant


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