Online veilingbeheerder en advertentiesite goedgekeurd door het Ministerie van Justitie

Servertijd Tue 25/02/2025 uur 18:25 | Europe/Rome

Shelving Spans - B

Veiling 72

Veiling n.9165

Logistiek > Stellingen

  • Shelving Spans - B 1
  • Shelving Spans - B 2
  • Shelving Spans - B 3
  • Shelving Spans - B 4
  • Shelving Spans - B 5
  • Shelving Spans - B 6
  • + foto
  • Beschrijving

The lot includes:

n. 10 spans of light metal shelving with gripping hands and suction cups for unloading robots - ref. 211
n. 3 spans of metal pallet racking with three floors - ref. 230
n. 5 bays of shelving with blue open compartments, n. 1 span of red metal shelving, n. 2 spans of self-built metal shelving - ref. 136
n. 11 spans of metal shelving, n. 1 metal cabinet with 2 doors - ref. 213
n. 2 cantilevered 4-storey shelving spans - ref. 224
n. 2 spans of metal shelving - ref. 133
n. 1 span of self-built metal shelving - ref. 49
n. 3 spans of metal shelving - ref. 267
n. 6 spans of metal shelving with open compartments - ref. 181

- The material of this lot can be dismantled and collected only after the award and consequent withdrawal of the goods deposited above -

- goods located in Via Croce -


Veiling opgeschort voor

Minimum prijs

Minimum bod € 50,00

Koperspremie 10,00 %

Borgsom: € 1.500,00

Bijkomende beheerskosten € 75,00

BTW op veiling 22,00 %indien van toepassing


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