Online veilingbeheerder en advertentiesite goedgekeurd door het Ministerie van Justitie

Servertijd Wed 05/02/2025 uur 23:49 | Europe/Rome

Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON

Veiling 12

Veiling n.21287

Logistiek > Kraanbanen

  • Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON 1
  • Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON 2
  • Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON 3
  • Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON 4
  • Sliding Overhead Crane Las 20 TON 5
  • Beschrijving

Sliding bridge crane, Casa Costruttirce L.A.S., factory no. 471401 (indicated in the booklet as detected by a travel motor), year of construction 1972, capacity 20,000 Kg, matr n° VR-I 4801 - ref. 42

Before starting the dismantling and removal activities, the successful tenderer will have to sign a declaration of indemnity for any damage to people/things/third parties that may occur during the aforementioned activities.
The successful bidder must also provide a specific third party civil liability policy.

- Not removable, to be cut on site -

For further information see the certificate in the annex

Jaar: 1972

Merk: Las

Model: 471401

Registratienummer: VR-I 4801


Veiling opgeschort voor

Minimum prijs

Minimum bod € 50,00

Koperspremie 10,00 %

Borgsom: € 2.000,00

Bijkomende beheerskosten € 600,00

BTW op veiling 22,00 %indien van toepassing


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