Online veilingbeheerder en advertentiesite goedgekeurd door het Ministerie van Justitie

Servertijd Fri 14/03/2025 uur 10:09 | Europe/Rome

Construction Material

Veiling 1

Veiling n.6699

Bouwsector > Voorraad bouwmaterialen

  • Construction Material 1
  • Construction Material 2
  • Construction Material 3
  • Construction Material 4
  • Construction Material 5
  • Beschrijving

n. 3 footboards with no. 22 parcels of floor 50x50 - sqm. 135
n. 50 pieces of ceramic Fionese - sqm. 75
n. 60 parcels floors - sqm. 180
n. 45 parquet floors 45x45 - sqm. 135
n. 5 footpaths from n. 128 pieces of tiles for a total of no. 640 tiles
n. 1 Portuguese platform - sq. 10
n. 200 bricks 12x25x25
n. 200 bricks 12x25x25
n. 100 bricks 25x20x25
n. 100 tile 10x30
n. 100 perforated bricks 12x25x25
Cash register of SWEDA brand


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