Управител на Телематски Продажби и Сајт за Огласување одобрен од Министерството за Правосудие

Време на серверот Sun 09/03/2025 часови 03:48 | Europe/Rome

Office Furniture and Equipment

Лот 49

Аукција n.7300

Мебел и канцеларија > Различен мебел и опрема

  • Office Furniture and Equipment 1
  • Office Furniture and Equipment 2
  • Office Furniture and Equipment 3
  • Office Furniture and Equipment 4
  • Office Furniture and Equipment 5
  • Office Furniture and Equipment 6
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  • Опис

Offices positioned on the first floor composed of: desks, tables, shelves, chairs, meeting tables, photocopiers, etc. All now obsolete and no longer in trend with current market demands, it is therefore considered appropriate to assign a value to body - ref. 52


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