Управител на Телематски Продажби и Сајт за Огласување одобрен од Министерството за Правосудие

Време на серверот Thu 13/03/2025 часови 16:29 | Europe/Rome

Furniture, Office Equipment and Various

Лот 42

Аукција n.21279

Мебел и канцеларија > Различен мебел и опрема

  • Furniture, Office Equipment and Various 1
  • Furniture, Office Equipment and Various 2
  • Furniture, Office Equipment and Various 3
  • Furniture, Office Equipment and Various 4
All those interested in the purchase will be able to register for the auction until 04/03/2024 часови 16:30
  • Опис

Lot including work equipment, office furniture and equipment and various software

Full list in the annex


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