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Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 12:11 | Europe/Rome

Volkswagen Golf

Hlutur 7

Söluferð n.14995

Samgöngur > Bílar

  • Volkswagen Golf 1
  • Volkswagen Golf 2
  • Volkswagen Golf 3
  • Volkswagen Golf 4
  • Volkswagen Golf 5
  • Volkswagen Golf 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

Volkswagen Golf car, 5 series, five doors, EURO 4

engine size: 1968 cc
power supply: 103 kW
year: 2004
frame number: WVWZZZ1K *****
engine supply: diesel
km measured: 320.729 - ref. 7

- wheels with alloy rims and tires with 50% tread, the metallic silver bodywork has very light streaks and scattered dents, interior in fair condition -

For further information see the vehicle registration certificate in the annex

Ár: 2004

Merki: Volkswagen

Módell: Golf


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