Netgáttinn selur og auglýsir síðu sem hefur verið samþykkt af Dómsmála- og réttarvörslustofnuninni

Tími þjóns Thu 13/03/2025 klukka 21:23 | Europe/Rome

Lot of Leather

Hlutur 5

Söluferð n.7347

Fatnaður > Skófatnaður og Leðurvörur

  • Lot of Leather 1
  • Lot of Leather 2
  • Lot of Leather 3
  • Lot of Leather 4
  • Lot of Leather 5
  • Lot of Leather 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

black abdominal calfskin bones of 308 cc
Reinforced pig split bunches of kg. 20 c.a.
goat's split decks of kg 16 c.a.
goat-shaped goat-breasted goat-shaped goat-sized goats of 60 c.a.
red crocodile printed bouquets of 180 c.a.
yellow crocodile printed leather bouquets of 90 kg
goat's split decks of kg 31 c.a.
brushed goat brushed brown color equal to kg 245 c.a.
suede bones of 270 c.a.
calf crusts of ocher color equal to kg 228 c.a
calf crusts of cream color cream of kg 156 c.a.
bones of various types of skins available in stocks of 760 c.a.
Goatskin hides and skins available in stock at 60 kg


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