The lot includes:
n. 4 metal cabinets with two doors - ref. 89
n. 4 metal lockers for three-person locker room, n. 3 metal lockers for two-seat dressing room - ref. 87
n. 6 metal lockers for three-person locker room - ref. 53
n. 7 metal lockers for dressing room with two seats - ref. 63
n. 2 metal lockers for three-person locker room, n. 2 metal lockers for dressing room with two seats - ref. 43
n. 1 metal locker for locker room with three seats, n. 2 metal lockers for dressing room with two seats - ref. 90
Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 22:34 | Europe/Rome
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