Netgáttinn selur og auglýsir síðu sem hefur verið samþykkt af Dómsmála- og réttarvörslustofnuninni

Tími þjóns Fri 14/03/2025 klukka 15:25 | Europe/Rome

Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop

Hlutur 1

Söluferð n.14314

Fatnaður > Textíl og Klæðnaður

  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 1
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 2
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 3
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 4
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 5
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women, Furniture and Equipment for Shop 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing
Lot of shop furniture as follows:
exhibition wall in white wood 7.30 linear meters long plus 1 corner
wall 4.30 plus a corner - counter 1.40m - wall 2.12 plus corner
wall 1.12 plus corner - wall 2.30 plus corner - wall 1.14 - wall 2.30
wall 1.24 - n. 2 walls of 4.32 - ref. 1
n. 3 manchini - ref. 2
n. 4 half-length mannequins - ref. 3
n. 1 low glass table - ref. 4
n. 2 low wooden tables - ref. 5
n. 1 air conditioner brand aerec with remote control plus 2 splitter - ref. 6
n. 1 alarm system brand with 3 cameras - ref. 7
n. 1 cash register olivetti - ref. 8
n. 1 canon scanner printer - ref. 9
n. 9200 shirts and shirts for men / women (total 9200 pieces of which about 6000 boxed and about 3200 on shelves) - ref. 10
n. 2920 trousers for men and women in total 2920 of which about 2700 boxed and about 220 on shelves - ref. 11


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