Netgáttinn selur og auglýsir síðu sem hefur verið samþykkt af Dómsmála- og réttarvörslustofnuninni

Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 05:21 | Europe/Rome

Metal Shelving and Mezzanine

Hlutur 27

Söluferð n.13548

Vöruflutningar > Hillur

  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 1
  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 2
  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 3
  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 4
  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 5
  • Metal Shelving and Mezzanine 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

metal shelving composed as follows:
n. 1 shelving length 8 meters deep 50 cm.
n. 1 shelving length 4 meters deep 50 cm.
n. 1 shelving length 5 meters deep 100 cm.
n. 1 shelving length 3 meters 50 cm deep - ref. 181 small warehouse
n. 1 warehouse mezzanine about 20 meters long x about 22 meters wide with n. 2 access stairs; h up to the mezzanine about 2.40 meters

- The withdrawal can be made only after the award of Lot 41 (warehouse) -


Lottó Suspens fyrir


Lágmarksaðgerð € 250,00

Kaupandaálag 10,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 500,00

Viðbætur við umsjón € 1.000,00

VSK á lottó 22,00 %þar sem við á við


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