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Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 06:53 | Europe/Rome

Various Clothing for Men/Women

Hlutur 10

Söluferð n.13215

Fatnaður > Textíl og Klæðnaður

  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 1
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 2
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 3
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 4
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 5
  • Various Clothing for Men/Women 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

n. 40 Pants brands different sizes and colors
n. 119 Pants jerseys brands different sizes and colors
n. 82 Coats, jackets, clothes brands different sizes and colors
n. 235 Clothes, pants, jackets, sweaters, brands, sizes and colors
n. 317 Jackets, dresses, trousers brands different sizes and colors
n. 320 Jackets, dresses, trousers, skirts, brands of different sizes and colors


Lottó Suspens fyrir


Lágmarksaðgerð € 250,00

Kaupandaálag 15,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 300,00

Viðbætur við umsjón € 500,00

VSK á lottó 22,00 %þar sem við á við


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