Netgáttinn selur og auglýsir síðu sem hefur verið samþykkt af Dómsmála- og réttarvörslustofnuninni

Tími þjóns Mon 17/03/2025 klukka 13:32 | Europe/Rome

Shop Furniture and Equipment

Hlutur 15

Söluferð n.17139

Fatnaður > Textíl og Klæðnaður

  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 1
  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 2
  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 3
  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 4
  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 5
  • Shop Furniture and Equipment 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

The lot includes:

n. 1 display table measures 180x90 - ref. 761
n. 1 piece of furniture with hangers and drawers without doors - ref. 762
n. 2 Carrier brand air conditioners - ref. 763
n. 1 disassembled mannequins - ref. 764
n. 1 piece of furniture 4 doors + 4 drawers with slate top - ref. 765
n. 1 chest of drawers with 8 drawers - ref. 766
n. 1 display counter with 2 drawers - ref. 767
n. 4 metallic stands on wheels including 1 double - ref. 768
n. 3 desks + 2 corner fittings - ref. 769
n. 3 metal work tables with white shelf - ref. 770


Lottó Suspens fyrir


Lágmarksaðgerð € 50,00

Kaupandaálag 15,00 %

Tryggingargreiðsla: € 250,00

Viðbætur við umsjón € 100,00

VSK á lottó 22,00 %þar sem við á við


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