N. 1 small bottle perforated height 17cm innocenzi - ref. 203 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1017
N. 1 medium bottle perforated height 25cm innocenzi - ref. 204 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1018
N. 2 height 18cm bottles innocenzi - ref. 206 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1020
N. 1 pitcher height 17cm innocenzi - ref. 207 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1021
N. 1 small bottle height 13cm innocenzi - ref. 208 Left Side Wall - Shelves 6 - photo 1022
N. 1 bottle great height 28cm innocenzi - ref. 232 Left Side Wall - 5 Shelf - photo 1046
N. 1 bottle with mainici height 28cm innocenzi - ref. 233 Left Side Wall - 5 Shelf - photo 1047
N. 1 bottle height 18 innocenzi - ref. 248 Left Side Wall - Showcase on the road - photo 1062
N. 3 milk bottles will flower garden - ref. 473 Left Side Wall - shelf 11 - Picture 1384
Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 11:00 | Europe/Rome
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