The lot includes:
n. 1 FANUC unloading robot mod. S-420 if, n. 1 unloading conveyor belt with a length of about 3 meters, n. 1 curved conveyor belt with a length of about 2 meters, n. 1 straight conveyor belt with a length of about 3 meters (all to be used as spare parts) - ref. 9
n. 1 conveyor belt with parcel jogger, n. 1 conveyor belt with strapping machine, n. 2 NEW MEC conveyor belts with a length of about 1.2 meters each, n. 1 FANUC robot mod. M-410 iB (all to be used as spare parts) - ref. 10
Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 21:04 | Europe/Rome
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