The lot includes:
n. 1 AMP IMPIANTI POSSAGNO refining rolling mill, n. 1 filter blast chiller silos, n. 1 electric fan, various connection pipes, n. 1 metal box, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with a length of about 12 meters, n. 1 metal hopper with underbelt, n. 1 belt conveyor belt with a length of about 5 meters, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with a length of about 10 meters, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with a length of about 7 meters, n. 1 cannibalized electrical panel module (all to be used as spare parts) - ref. 4
Tími þjóns Sun 05/01/2025 klukka 03:34 | Europe/Rome
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