The lot includes:
n. 1 L-shaped counter with glossy red and white lacquered panels, total length about 10 m, rear counter display cases, seven doors in grey laminate, a two-door refrigerated counter, three drawers, a refrigerated display case, a single-door refrigerated counter, two refrigerated drawers, various shelves and rear counter platform - ref. 1
n. 1 HOONVED glasswasher - ref. 2
n. 1 SCOTSMAN FRIMONT Mod. ACM 56 AS 230/50/1, s.n. AP 2604 08P - ref. 3
n. 1 two-column plug with collection tray - ref. 6
Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 22:18 | Europe/Rome
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