Netgáttinn selur og auglýsir síðu sem hefur verið samþykkt af Dómsmála- og réttarvörslustofnuninni

Tími þjóns Wed 12/03/2025 klukka 16:34 | Europe/Rome

Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1


Fasteignir > Hús og íbúðir

  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 1
  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 2
  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 3
  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 4
  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 5
  • Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG) - LOT 1 6
  • + mynd
  • Lýsing

OFFERS GATHERING - Portion of semi-detached house in Marsciano (PG), Località Parco dei Pini - LOT 1

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Marsciano at sheet 11:
Parcel 997 - Sub. 1 - Category A/2 - Class 3 - Consistency 7 compartments
Parcel 997 - Sub. 2 - Category C/6 - Class 2 -Consistency 43 sqm

The property in question is part of the development plan called "Parco dei Pini".
The semi-detached villa is made up of two residential units (Portion A and B) arranged on 5 different staggered levels of approximately 1.60 meters in height and divided as follows: basement and basement, ground floor and mezzanine, first floor.
The portion in question is called A and is composed of a basement in which there is a fund/cellar, a basement used as a garage and connected to the outside via a vehicle ramp, on the ground floor there is the kitchen, the dining area, the living room and a service bathroom; on the mezzanine floor raised approximately 1.60 meters above the ground floor there is the main bedroom, a second bedroom in which a mezzanine has been provided and the main bathroom. A third bedroom is located on the first floor.
The accesses to the property, pedestrian and vehicular, are exclusive for each unit.

There is a private external courtyard.

Portion "A" is equipped with energy certification with identification code 054027_20161104165932_SQDMDSCCZE protocol 228698 dated 04-11-2016 expiring 03-11-2026.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Viðskipti yfirborðs: 202

Yfirborð: 115

Fermetra: 370

Bílastæði: 69

  • Viðhengi (3)

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