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Szerver idő Fri 13/12/2024 óra 14:40 | Europe/Rome

Apartment with crawl space in Verona


Ingatlanok > Házak és Lakások

  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 1
  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 2
  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 3
  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 4
  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 5
  • Apartment with crawl space in Verona 6
  • + fotó
  • Leírás

Apartment with crawl space in Verona, Piazzale Olimpia 38

The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Verona at sheet 253:

Parcel 23 - Sub 2 – Category A/2 – Class 3 – Consistency 5 compartments – Cadastral Rent € 645.57

The property is part of a building of greater consistency named "Portici" which is located on seven floors above ground and stands near the stadium.
The apartment is located on the first floor and there is access by a conditional staircase common to other housing units or by a lift. Internally is divided into living-dining room, kitchenette, two bedrooms and a bathroom, as well as a balcony along the east side. All systems are present but necessary to be checked.

The crawl space is located on the seventh attic floor of the same building, can only be reached via the condominium stairwell and has an area of ​​19.40 square meters.

It is noted that there are slight cadastral discrepancies that will have to be sanated.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
It is also possible to request further documentation at e-mail pec adress

Felület: 85,30

Erkély: 24

Zongora: 1

Szabad: Igen


Felfüggesztett Tétel per

Kikiáltási ár

Minimális emelés € 1.000,00

Vevői prémium see specific terms

Kaució letétele: € 10.600,00

ÁFA a lottón 22,00 %ahol alkalmazható


Információk Kérése Kérjen megtekintést Általános Feltételek Specifikus feltételek

Kapcsolódó tétel

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