Upravitelj internetske prodaje i oglašavanja odobren od Ministarstva pravosuđa

Vrijeme poslužitelja Thu 12/12/2024 sati 05:41 | Europe/Rome


Lutrija 12

Aukcija n.4834

Logistika > Police

  • Shelving 1
  • Shelving 2
  • Shelving 3
  • Shelving 4
  • Shelving 5
  • Shelving 6
  • + slika
  • Opis

iron and wood shelf with 4 shelves lamp - Ref. 81
n. 5 carts / shelves - ref. 114
metal shelf with 8 shelves h cm 220 - rif. 115
n. 4 shelves on 6-shelves metal wheels - ref. 116
n. 4 shelves in various shelves - ref. 131
n. 2 shelves with three shelves - ref. 133
heavy metal rack with 6 uprights and 12 shelves - rif. 191
lightweight shelving with 20 uprights - rif. 192
metal shelf with compartments - ref. 194
rusted dismantled shelving - rif. 207
metallic mobile structure size m 15x6 padded with sandwich panels and sheet cover, with iron doors, - ref. 210
metallic structure with plastic cover and inelegant parts - ref. 212
n. 1 cupboard holder - ref. 228
n. 2 iron shelves with plywood shelves - ref. 229


Ovaj dio je dio:

Machinery and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment
Machinery and Equipment
CLokoti na prodaju u kombinaciji
7 Licitacije

Machinery and Equipment

Kombinacija 1|Aukcija 4834

Loto kartica

Sant'Elpidio a Mare (FM) - Italy

Zatraži informacije Zatraži pregled
Shoes moulds production - Machinery and equipment
Shoes moulds production - Machinery and equipment
Shoes moulds production - Machinery and equipment
7 Licitacije
Ponuda slobodna

Shoes moulds production - Machinery and equipment

Shoes moulds production - Machinery and equipment

Aukcija 4834

Sudski Fermo - Pad. n. 1/2016
Prodaja n.10

Thu 28/02/2019 sati 15:30

Fri 15/03/2019 sati 15:30

Aukcijski listić

Povezani lanci

Lot polica
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Lot polica

Lutrija 72|Aukcija 4851

Loto kartica

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Moduli i police
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Moduli i police

Lutrija 3|Aukcija 16088

Loto kartica

Sant'Elpidio a Mare (FM) - Italy

Police i namještaj
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Police i Oprema za Obradu Đonova
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Police s kožom, tkaninama i raznim materijalom


Br. 2 Police
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Br. 2 Police

Lutrija 35|Aukcija 24691

Loto kartica

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Obrada srebra - Gotovi proizvodi i polufabrikati
Obrada srebra - Gotovi proizvodi i polufabrikati
Obrada srebra - Gotovi proizvodi i polufabrikati
Obrada srebra - Gotovi proizvodi i polufabrikati
Ponudi izvan aukcije
CLokoti na prodaju u kombinaciji
45 Licitacije
Police, Namještaj i Oprema za Ured
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Police, Kolica i Razna Oprema
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Police, Radionica i Uredski Namještaj
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Toyota viličar
Ponudi izvan aukcije


Toyota viličar

Lutrija 2|Aukcija 24682

Loto kartica

Montegranaro (FM) - Italy

Palete od Plastike i Drva
Ponudi izvan aukcije


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