Upravitelj internetske prodaje i oglašavanja odobren od Ministarstva pravosuđa

Vrijeme poslužitelja Tue 11/03/2025 sati 19:43 | Europe/Rome

SPECIAL DEAL APPLE   Reduction -80%

Used Apple Products - XR, XS and 8 models

Aukcija n. 19975

Sudski Viterbo - Aukcijski sudac n. 3244/2022
Prodaja n.5

Matelica (MC) - Italy

Used Apple Products - XR, XS and 8 models - Jud.Admin.3244/2022 - Viterbo Law Court - Sale 5
49 Licitacije
Smanjenje -80%
Mon 25/09/2023 sati 15:00
Tue 17/10/2023 sati 15:00
  • Opis

Apple products - Used

Judicial Administration n. 3244/2022 - Viterbo Law Court

Used Apple iPhones
Exclusive sale of used iPhones expression of the highest Apple technology.
Available at auction is a vast selection of used iPhones in excellent condition such as the 128 and 64GB iPhone Xr, Xs and iPhone 8.

For further information consult lot webpages

The goods object of this auction are sold with the "as is" clause in the state of affairs in which they are found, therefore no guarantee is provided by the principal and by Gobid International Auction Group Srl with regard to any defects, lack of quality or discrepancies in the goods sold.

To participate in the auction, register and bid on the lots of interest.

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