Office in Castel Mella (BS), Locality Colorne, Via Padania 33 - LOT 3
The property is registered in the Land Registry of the Municipality of Castel Mella on Sheet 15:
Parcel 167 – Sub 32 - Category A/10 - Class 2 - Size 2.5 rooms - R.C. € 484.18
Real estate unit for office use located on the third floor of a mixed-use building, commercial and directional, and is part of a complex called "Condominium Emmezeta".
The office is internally divided into two rooms intended for offices, a hallway (anti-bathroom), a restroom, and an external balcony for exclusive use.
The property in question is free.
For more information, please refer to the appraisal (Lot 1) and the attached documentation.
Εμπορική επιφάνεια: 48
Επιφάνεια: 47
Ελεύθερο: Ναι