Industrial building in Palagonia (CT), Contrada Poggio Rotondo
The building is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Palagonia at sheet 17:
Parcel 787 - Category D/7 - Cadastral Rent € 4.600,00
The building in question, used for processing raw citrus fruit, has a rectangular shape and covers an area of 730 square meters. Internally there is a large processing area and a lofted iron structure, where the offices were built on the ground floor and a storage area on the first floor. Access to the offices can take place either from the external square of the structure or inside the shed. An iron staircase serves as a link for the two floors.
On one side of the building a rising platform was installed for loading and unloading with n. 3 doors for goods handling. The whole platform is covered by a roof.
It is noted that the property is sold including movable property inside.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Επιφάνεια: 730