Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur jeu. 12/12/2024 heures 00:42 | Europe/Rome

Sheet Metal Warehouse

Lot 1

Enchère n.11456

Divers > Stock Produits et Matières Premières

  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 1
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 2
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 3
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 4
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 5
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 6
  • + photo
  • Description

The lot includes:

Warehouse MP_9999 Consisting of:
Sheets - Sub-formats - Beams - Angles - Tubes - Other Materials for total indicative Kg. 3,979,923 - ref. Pos. A

MP_CO warehouse - Consisting of:
Sheet metal mostly used for the construction of bridges or viaducts to order. Code 1220-OC - 1220-OC_PR - 1279-OE for indicated total Kg. 4,229,441 - ref. Pos. B

Semi-finished Warehouse Consisting of:
structural elements of various types Code 1220-OC - 1279-OE for a total of indicative Kg 852.667 - ref. Pos. C

Finished Product Warehouse Consisting of:
structural elements of various types Code 1120-OC for a total of Kg. 382.150 - ref. Pos. D

Various equipment Consisting of:
materials and artifacts in iron and steel used for the assembly of bridges and viaducts for a total of Kg. 731.897 - ref. Pos. E

in the event of an award, the collection of the goods must be completed within 120 days from the completion of the sale; there is a penalty of € 10,000.00 * VAT excluded for each month or fraction of a month of delay with a maximum term of 30.10.2021

The sale of the goods that make up the lot takes place as a whole and not by measure and / or weight, as seen and liked in the state of fact in which they are found.

  • Pièces jointes (1)


Ce lot fait partie de:

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
CLots en vente en combinaison
27 Lots
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
27 Lots

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Enchère 11456

Tribunal de Vicenza - Échec n. 175/2019
Vente n.2

mer. 09/06/2021 heures 15:00

jeu. 10/06/2021 heures 15:01

Fiche Enchère

Lots associés

Lot de Verres et Miroirs
Faire une offre


Lot de Verres et Miroirs

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Camisano Vicentino (VI) - Italy

Enchères de vins rouges, blancs et mousseux méthode classique Jako Wine - 7395 bouteilles en stock


Mobilier et Équipements Divers


Banc Électrique, Quincaillerie Divers et Étagères
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Papeterie - Articles et accessoires
Faire une offre


N. 3549 Montures de lunettes de vue


N. 5342 Montures de lunettes de vue


N. 1519 Paire de Lunettes de Soleil et N. 932 Lentilles


N. 6 Marques


N. 6 Marques

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Zanè (VI) - Italy

Cession de Branche d'Entreprise - Secteur Production et Gros Vêtements en Cuir


Cession de Branche d'Entreprise - Secteur des Transports


Groupe de Réglage Trendfin RAM 4200


Groupe de Réglage Trendfin RAM 4200

Lot 20|Enchère 25256

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Cornedo Vicentino (VI) - Italy

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