Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur sam. 14/12/2024 heures 06:38 | Europe/Rome

Partecipation Quote - Mavis Srl

Lot 1

Enchère n.4977

Divers > Actifs Financiers

  • Partecipation Quote - Mavis Srl 1
  • Partecipation Quote - Mavis Srl 2
  • Description

The sale relates to a shareholding corresponding to 4% of the company Mavis Srl, based in Foligno (PG), Via Monte Acuto, 49. Rea number PG 221011, cod.fiscale n.02490530546. active in the lease as owner of the real estate complex prevalently commercial destination located in Foligno - Viale Roma - called "Le Vetrine" in which there are shops and commercial activities spread over three floors with a surface area of about 7,900 sqm., and in construction and sale of civil and commercial buildings.

In compliance with the provisions of the Company By-Laws, the transfer of this shareholding is subject to the approval of the majority of shareholders and to the exercise of the pre-emption by them once the approval reserve has been dissolved. Therefore, the awarding of the statutory rights for the exercise of the aforementioned rights will be final, as well as those necessary for the related communications


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 1.000,00

Prime d'acheteur 10,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 5.000,00


Demander des informations Demander une vision
Shareholding - Company Mavis Srl
1 Lots
Prix réduits

Shareholding - Company Mavis Srl

Shareholding - Company Mavis Srl

Enchère 4977

Tribunal de Perugia - Cred. A. n. 18/2010
Vente n.16

lun. 08/04/2019 heures 15:30

jeu. 09/05/2019 heures 15:30

Fiche Enchère

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