The lot includes:
n. 11 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 3x2 h 2.50 - ref. 311
n. 1 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 3x3 h 2.50 - ref. 312
n. 9 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 3x4 h 2.50 - ref. 313
n. 3 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 5x4 h 2.50 - ref. 314
n. 2 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 6x3 h 2.50 - ref. 315
n. 4 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 6x4 h 2.50 - ref. 316
n. 1 offices made of aluminum structure with glass and panels 6x5 h 2.50 - ref. 317
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