Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur sam. 02/11/2024 heures 16:26 | Europe/Rome

Lot 40

Enchère n.12138

Nautique > Autre en nautique

  • Description
The lot includes:
fiat grande punto dinamic dk106dm (fusina rental)
giovanna - rv20934 - op567577 honda engine 40 hp ex 3402932 (fusina - moranzani lease)
giorgia -rv05492 honda engine 25 hp on draga astra (fusina rental)
enrica - lv33745 mercury engine 80hp op549419 pilotina gobbi called "enrica" ​​(fusina rental)
prefabricated gl4 double 7x4.82x2.65 use of services and changing room with boiler and air conditioner (roro rental)
monobloc gl series. 4 6.13x2.41x2.65 double combined office c400 / 05 (fusina - moranzani rental)
monobloc line mt. 8.00x2.49x2.73 c / two air conditioners (fusina - moranzani rental)
insulated monobloc 5,25x2,48x2,45 (fusina location)
container 10 '3x2.5 (fusina - moranzani rental)
conteiner sogeco 20 'box (fusina - moranzani rental)
6 m container used usa 789 - ab 91 id: 30/122301 (fusina lease)
20 'container for archive use in fusina (fusina rental)
20 'container warehouse for disused furniture in fusina (fusina rental)
container 10 'box sogeco (fusina ex cereal dox lease)
saem box with electrical panels in good condition (fusina - ex abibes lease)
concrete mixer edil blades br 350 three-phase mat 1 938 complete with user and maintenance manual (fusina - moranzani rental)
motor-compressor xas 77 dd atlas 7bar (roro lease)
ama tank 5000 lt ama 23397 diesel tank mo. dto 50 - 5k - 220v ord. n. 19451 / c of 11.23.14 (roro - murano rental)


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 250,00

Prime d'acheteur 10,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.500,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %le cas échéant


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Lots associés

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TRAVEL LIFT Cimolai Technology Mbh 880
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TRAVEL LIFT Cimolai Technology Mbh 880

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Formia (LT) - Italy

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