Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur dim. 22/12/2024 heures 07:46 | Europe/Rome

Workshop equipment - B

Lot 61

Enchère n.18709

Mécanique > Équipement d'atelier

  • Workshop equipment - B 1
  • Workshop equipment - B 2
  • Workshop equipment - B 3
  • Workshop equipment - B 4
  • Workshop equipment - B 5
  • Workshop equipment - B 6
  • + photo
The payments of the lots awarded by the user must be credited to the indicated banck accounts by within 10/07/2023
  • Description

The lot includes:

metal cabinet with three doors and four shelves - ref. 435
ferrous material - ref. 436
rack with about forty flanges - ref. 437
n.2 metal cabinets with two doors - ref. 438
shelving with three shelves - ref. 439
iron table with one shelf, chest of drawers with two compartments and two vices - ref. 440
iron workbench with four doors and two drawers - ref. 441
metal shelving with seven shelves - ref. 442
metal shelving with two shelves - ref. 443
iron workbench with four doors and two drawers - ref. 444
iron table with a shelf, chest of drawers with four compartments and a vice - ref. 445
metal wardrobe with two sliding doors and 4 shelves - ref. 446
metal shelving with 4 shelves - ref. 447
trolley with green wheels with two doors and shelf - ref. 448
metal shelving with 7 shelves - ref. 449
metal shelving with 4 shelves - ref. 450
n.1 Blue transpallet - ref. 452
iron table with a wooden shelf and vice - ref. 453
n.6 metal shelves - ref. 454
open metal cabinet with two modules and 2 shelves - ref. 455
iron table with a vice - ref. 456
metal shelving with two modules and 5 shelves - ref. 457


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 25,00

Prime d'acheteur 10,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.000,00

Frais accessoires de gestion € 150,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %le cas échéant


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Lots associés

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