Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur ven. 27/09/2024 heures 00:13 | Europe/Rome

Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela

Lot 3

Enchère n.12192

Divers > Actifs Financiers

  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 1
  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 2
  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 3
  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 4
  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 5
  • Slate Mining Concession - Pena Pandela 6
  • + photo
  • Description

Pena Pandela, n° 4277
Direct mining concession located in the Casaio area, belonging to the municipality of Carballeda di Valdeorras, Ourense.

Its geographical location is in the southeast of sheet 191 - Silvan and in the northwest of sheet 299 - La Bana, of the national topographic map of Spain, at a scale of 1 / 50,000.

The concession was granted on 25/5/1983, for a period of 30 years that can be extended up to a maximum of 90, limited to 75 by the current law of Ordenacion de la Mineria of Galicia, for which the first period of 30 has been exceeded years and we are before the second extension of the concession.

The lot does not include the properties / land / elements owned by the bankrupt company within the concession.

The lot does not include the machinery located on the concession grounds.

Charges: the concession is subject to a maximum mortgage set up by the ABANCA entity.

For more information consult the documentation in the annex

Deposit deposited in the Pena Pandela concession nº4277: 166,289.70 euros

  • Pièces jointes (2)


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 1.000,00

Prime d'acheteur 5,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 4.000,00

Prix indiqués hors TVA et frais légaux


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Lots associés

Part de Participation - Green Revolution Srl


Part de Participation - SKM Energy Srl


Part de Participation


Part de Participation

Lot 1|Enchère 24175

Fiche Lot

Vibo Valentia (VV) - Italy

Part de participation - SES Werkzeugbau Schwerin GmbH


Parts de participation
Faire une offre


Parts de participation

Lot 5|Enchère 6646

Fiche Lot

Caltagirone (CT) - Italy

Investissements Financiers


Investissements Financiers

Lot 1|Enchère 9112

Fiche Lot

Santa Cruz di Tenerife - Spain

Parts Sociales Comprenant des Biens Immobiliers en Roumanie
Faire une offre


Participations Sociales de la Société Commerciale C.I.F.A. SL


Droits de Crédit de la Société Commerciale C.I.F.A. SL


Parts de participation - Smart Delivery Cap Srl
Faire une offre


Participation Sociétaire dans Nulla, S.L.


Participation Sociétaire dans Deka Urbanismo, S.L.


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