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Heure du serveur sam. 28/12/2024 heures 07:04 | Europe/Rome

PLC S7 300 Three Press Line

Lot 71

Enchère n.15448

Mécanique > Installations complètes

  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 1
  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 2
  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 3
  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 4
  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 5
  • PLC S7 300 Three Press Line 6
  • + photo
Lot subject to provisional award at the above price.
Anyone who is interested in formulating an ameliorative offer, must use the attached form  and send it  not later than 10 days following the end of the auction.
  • Description

PLC S 7 300 three-press line (1 = 300 T press with 100 T cushion. Table dimensions mm 1760 Lx mm 1030 Lr) (2 = and 3 = press 250 T. table dimensions mm 1990 Lx mm 900 Lr) feeding from coils with decoiler and sliding table feeder 545 mm quick mold locking. Semi-automatic mold change with six-place warehouse and mold opening system (to be overhauled) - ref. 25

Année: 1998

Marque: PLC S7 300

Numéro d'identification: 80386

  • Pièces jointes (1)


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 500,00

Prime d'acheteur 9,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.500,00

Frais accessoires de gestion € 250,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %le cas échéant


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