Line for making the cooling circuits of the refrigerator part consisting of:
n. 1 aluminum pipe bending cutting equipment (6 pipes simultaneously) supplier Sim Meccanica mod. PS6T-96 matr. 96020 year 1996 to make coils complete with 6 double rotating coil holders.
n. 2 aluminum-copper welding machines supplier Sim Meccanica mod. T8PS-95 matr. 0048 / 4M 1994; mod. SRA-95 95224 / 18M year 1996; canvas conveyor belts.
n. 1 Inficon leak detector mod. Protec matr. 90001003180 year 2002
n. 1 Balzer leak detector HTL140 N0: BGZ 06250 F-no: 179735V007
n. 1 nitrogen / helium mixture charge in Ionvac Mod. HTL040 circuits matr. 9541010;
n. 1 capillary flow test equipment Esa vacum sistem type P18910 matr. ML594 year 1998
n. 1 oven for sheath thermo-restriction
(to be revised) - ref. 43
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