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Base Threading and Folding Line

Lot 17

Enchère n.15448

Mécanique > Installations complètes

  • Base Threading and Folding Line 1
  • Base Threading and Folding Line 2
  • Base Threading and Folding Line 3
  • Base Threading and Folding Line 4
  • Base Threading and Folding Line 5
  • Description

Lvs threading and bending line, precision mechanics supplier as follows:

loading station, threading station and bending bracket for solenoid valve fixing, "U" base bending station, transport series up to the assembly line
The loading of the details is manual all the other operations including the unloading on the assembly line are automatic, year 2005, serial number 50007 (to be overhauled) - ref. 71

Année: 2005

Marque: Ivs

Numéro d'identification: 50007


Lot en attente pour

Prix de réserve

Enchère minimum € 500,00

Prime d'acheteur 9,00 %

Dépôt de garantie : € 1.500,00

Frais accessoires de gestion € 500,00

TVA sur le lot 22,00 %le cas échéant


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