Gestionnaire des Ventes Télématiques et Site de Publicité autorisé par le Ministère de la Justice

Heure du serveur mer. 09/10/2024 heures 20:23 | Europe/Rome

Print with Frame

Lot 22

Enchère n.18265

Art et collection > Art

  • Print with Frame 1
  • Description

Etching with burin retouches on medium thickness paper protected by glass and equipped with a wooden frame. The print reproduces the original etching on burin made by Luigi Vanvitelli, engraved by Carlo Noli and printed by the Royal Stamperia of Naples founded by Charles of Bourbon in 1748 inside the Royal Palace. Subject: "A bird's eye view of the Royal Palace of Caserta"
Period: dating back to between the end of the 19th century and the first of the 20th
State of conservation: the prints are intact but in an evident state of wear - ref. Living room compartment II room 10


Ce lot fait partie de:

Living Room Furniture - Room II
Living Room Furniture - Room II
Living Room Furniture - Room II
Living Room Furniture - Room II
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CLots en vente en combinaison
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