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Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95%


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  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 1
  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 2
  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 3
  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 4
  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 5
  • Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA) - SHARE 93,95% 6
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  • Description

OFFERS GATHERING - Shareholding shares equal to 93.95% in the company that owns the Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port in Polignano a Mare (BA), Locality San Vito, Contrada Monsignore - SHARE 93,95%


Irrevocable purchase offers are collected for the Cala Ponte Marina Tourist Port located less than 2 km from the town of Polignano a Mare is easily accessible thanks to its proximity to the Polignano Nord exit of the state road 16 coming from Bari and Brindisi.

Located in one of the most suggestive stretches of the Apulian coast, the Cala Ponte tourist port is a modern and complete structure in the supply of maritime services, excellently connected by land and by sea to the main centers of interest and the result of an ambitious project, built according to most modern standards of comfort, safety and quality.

The entire port structure is built partly on a state-owned area and partly on an area owned by the Municipality of Polignano a Mare for a total surface area of ​​18,204 m2, in addition to the surface of the stretches of water reported in the state-owned concession, as follows :

A - Office-storage-service building - gross surface area 959+58m2, consisting of two buildings, separated by an external connection; in adherence to one of the two bodies there is the commercial bar and, in the rear area, the technical room for the systems. The first body of the building develops on one level for a total height of 5.00 m and is made up of: reception entrance, 5 offices, 1 meeting room, 1 archive, 1 public counter, toilets for staff, concierge room and MV/LV transformer cabin. The second body of the building is made up of a quadrangular block with an adjoining bar and a technical room behind it. The quadrangular block is divided into four symmetrical parts intended for toilets and in the center by a laundry room.

B - local bar - gross surface area 118 sq m, has entrance from the square in front of the docks to which it is connected by four steps and a ramp. It consists of the main room with tables, the counter area connected to an office room with bathroom for the staff and a storage room with direct access from the outside.

C – lighthouse - gross area 24 sq m, watchtower for boats entering the port, is located at the end of quay A and has an access door from the quay and three narrow and elongated openings placed at 90° with respect to the centre. Access to the signal lantern is via a ladder.

D - Fenced and equipped outdoor areas - surface area 1,399 sq m + 15,646 sq m - All the outdoor areas are fenced off with dry stone walls and are equipped with lighting, a fixed fire extinguishing system, water systems and a public address system. The Spaces are also equipped with safety stairs for entering/exiting the sea
All external surfaces are controlled by a closed circuit TV system with video recording which takes place in the concierge room located in the immediate vicinity of the pedestrian entrance.

E/F/ENEL cabin and fuel distributor

G - Boat slipway - reinforced concrete ramp, located near the main entrance between pier E and quay F, which allows the launching/hauling into the sea of ​​boats that can be towed by motor vehicles.

H - Floating pontoons C1-C2-C3-C4-C5-C6-D-E, hosting a total of 235 berths.

I- Quays A-B-F-G-H, hosting a total of 80 berths, are equipped with cast iron bollards, stainless steel mooring rings, rubber fenders and eyebolts. At the end of platform H there is a space reserved for helicopter landing.

L- Enclosed customer parking - Access and exit are via automatic barriers with transponder-controlled opening.
The total area under concession is 64,010.73 m2.

The compendium are registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Polignano a Mare at sheet 13:
Particle 1387 - Sub. 1 – Category D/8 – R.C. €8,038
Particle 1387 - Sub. 2 – Category D/8 – R.C. €932
Particle 1389 - Sub. 1 – Category D/8 – R.C. €32,582
Parcel 1394 – sub. 1 – Category D/1 – R.C. €60
The compendium are registered at Land Registry of City of Polignano a Mare at sheet 13:
Particles 953 – 952 – 975 – 979 - 977.

Finally, it should be noted that the art. 7 of the Statute of Cala Ponte S.p.a. recognizes the right of first refusal in favor of the shareholders in the event of the transfer of the same shares. For this reason, the Curatorship will preliminarily make the shareholders aware of this competitive procedure and communicate to the latter, both in advance the basic auction price and subsequently the hammer price reached at the end of this sale, so that they can exercise the pre-emption provided for by the statutory provisions.
Therefore, the award in favor of the best bidder can be considered definitive only once the term of 30 days has elapsed from the provisional award itself, within and no later than which the shareholders can exercise the pre-emption right established in their favor (Article 106 L.F. and 2471 of the Civil Code).

For further information consult attached appraisal and documention.

It is also known that a special Data Room is available for the consultation of further documentation on the goods being sold, which will be accessible once signed and sent to the PEC address the Confidentiality Agreement attached together with the documentation requested in the Sale Notice.

The gathering will be done using the following modes:

All bidders, except the subjects by law not allowed to take part in the gathering, after having joined the site, will fill in the offer form (published online) and send it undersigned for acceptance of the conditions proposed, at the following address in conjunction with the documents required.

Please check Sale Notice and specific conditions for further information concerning participation.


Lot en attente pour

Prime d'acheteur 4,50 %


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ID Inserzione1904232
ID Procedura609759
Tipo Proceduragiudiziaria
ID Tribunale0720060097
TribunaleTribunale di BARI
RitoFALLIMENTARE (nuovo rito)
Anno Procedura2019
  • Soggetto
    TipoSoggetto specializzato alla vendita
    CognomeGobid International Auction Group Srl
    ID Anagrafica3867163
    Soggetto Vendita1
    Soggetto Visita1
ID Lotto1744510
Descrizione (IT)Quote azionarie di partecipazione pari al 93,95% nella società OMISSIS proprietaria del Porto turistico situato sul litorale di Polignano a Mare (BA) in località "Cala Ponte" - vendita telematica sulla piattaforma ANNUNCIO n.17865.2
Primo Identificativo1744510
IndirizzoLocalità Cala Ponte
ComunePolignano a Mare
  • Bene
    ID Bene2343209
    Descrizione (IT)Quote azionarie di partecipazione pari al 93,95% nella società OMISSIS proprietaria del Porto turistico situato sul litorale di Polignano a Mare (BA) in località "Cala Ponte". Si evidenzia, infine, che l'art. 7 dello Statuto della Cala Ponte S.p.a. riconosce in favore dei soci il diritto di prelazione in caso di cessione delle medesime quote azionarie. Per tale motivo, la Curatela provvederà preliminarmente a rendere edotti i soci della presente procedura competitiva e a comunicare a questi ultimi, sia preventivamente il prezzo base d'asta, sia successivamente il prezzo di aggiudicazione raggiunto all'esito della presente vendita, affinché costoro possano esercitare la prelazione prevista dalle norme statutarie. Pertanto, l'aggiudicazione in favore del migliore offerente potrà considerarsi definitiva soltanto una volta decorso il termine di 30 giorni dall'aggiudicazione provvisoria stessa, entro e non oltre il quale i soci possono esercitare il diritto di prelazione costituito in loro favore (Art. 106 L.F. e 2471 del Cod. Civ.).
    Primo Identificativo2343209
    IndirizzoLocalità Cala Ponte
    ComunePolignano a Mare
Dati Vendita
Data e oramar. 27 juin 2023 heures 12:002023-06-27T12:00:00
Indirizzovendita telematica sulla piattaforma
Prezzo base12.800.000,00
Offerta Minima12.800.000,00
Rialzo Minimo100.000,00
Termine Presentazione Offertemar. 27 juin 2023 heures 12:002023-06-27T12:00:00
Pagamento Contributo
Spesa Prenotata Debito
Contributo Non DovutoNo
  • Sito
    Tipologiasito pubblicita
    Indirizzo URL
Data pubblicazione17/03/20232023-03-17

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