n. 7 plastic boxes - ref. 10 36 drawer plastic document holder - ref. 14 n. 12 vises - ref. 16 workbench with drawers in iron and plastic - ref. 17 n. 2 grinders - ref. 18 workbench iron with 3 drawers and shelves and plastic trays - ref. 21 cfm vacuum freshman 17E97 - ref. 22 workbench with drawers - ref. 25 drawer tool small door - ref. 27 metal shelving with six pillars and five shelf width 5 m. 2 meters tall - ref. 28 workbench with iron shelf - ref. 29 low shelving on wheels with compartments - ref. 54 n. 2 Iron racks - ref. 60 wooden extension ladder - ref. 78 aluminum ladder - ref. 79 n. 2 iron and wooden shelves - ref. Sander FINTEC 132 MOD 123 - ref.
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