Company branch is composed by:
A. Real estate sites in the Municipality of Porto Recanati
Industrial factory including a separate portion of office building and parking area on the street all identified in the Catasto Fabbricati at Sheet 4, Parcels 89/part; 113/part; 114 sub. 1,5,6; 115/part; 117 sub. 1/part; 117 sub. 2/part; 133/part, 114/part and 117/part;
Room used as a canteen identified in the Catasto Fabbricati al Foglio 4 Part. 120
B. Grouped assets and grouped in the following categories:
- equipment (lathes, microscopes, presses, positioners, ...)
- welding machines
- gantries
- vehicles
- various furniture
- office furniture
- furniture and canteen equipment
C. Commercial start-up, patents, authorizations, concessions and certifications referred to in the list indicated at the time in the company lease agreement with GLF Turbine 1.2.2018 referred to here solely for the purpose of identifying such intangible assets and present in data rooms
D. Inventory inventories quantified as premisses (raw materials and WIP)
For further information consult sale notice attached to auction webpage
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Oikeusministeriön hyväksymä Verkkomyyntien ja Mainossivuston Hallinnoija