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Server tid Fri 07/02/2025 time 02:57 | Europe/Rome

Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding

Parti 27

Auktion n.9881

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen > Fødevareindustri

  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 1
  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 2
  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 3
  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 4
  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 5
  • Corks in Natural Cork for Shredding 6
  • + billede
  • Beskrivelse

These are natural cork stoppers for shredding withdrawn by customers to be quantified by weighing; Indicatively, the weight is a few dozen quintals


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