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Server tid Thu 19/12/2024 time 11:35 | Europe/Rome

Shelves - Furniture and Equipment

Parti 1

Auktion n.4893

Møbler og kontor > Forskellige møbler og udstyr

  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 1
  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 2
  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 3
  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 4
  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 5
  • Shelves - Furniture and Equipment 6
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Metallic blue-yellow shelf; n. 56 trellis, mt. 42 * 6 (252 bars) - Ref. 1
Metallic blue-yellow shelf; n. 66 trellis, mt. 54 * 6 (324 bars) - Ref. 2
Gray metal shelf; n. 28 trellises - rif. 3
Blue-yellow metallic shelf; n. 102 trellis and n. 10 bars - ref. 4
Various support platforms for merchandise - ref. 5
Writing desks (5) in various color wood - ref. 6
Sliding gray wooden sliding door - ref. 7
Gray wood cabinet with two doors - ref. 8
Wooden chest of drawers, white color, with three drawers - ref. 9
Low white color cupboard with shelf - rif. 10
Low-profile furniture with arches, white color - ref. 11
Corner bench - rif. 12
White wood desk - ref. 13
Computer Mobile - Ref. 14
White mobile with sliding doors - rif. 15
White double door operator - ref. 16
Armchairs (4) of fabric, three of blue color and the other of black color - rif. 17
Sliding door wardrobe (No. 7) - Ref. 18
Metal cabinet - Ref. 19
Small Desk - Ref. 20
Wooden furniture with doors (some in glass) - ref. 21
Wooden writing desk - ref. 22
Wooden mobile douche with two drawers - rif. 23
Metal Shelves (No 7) - Ref. 24
Chair in black fabric - rif. 25
Writing desks (3) with corner, wood - ref. 26
Furniture (2) white with doors - rif. 27
Furniture (2) in wood with doors - ref. 28
Sliding glass metallic furniture - ref. 29
Black fabric chair - ref. 30
Oval, wooden meeting table - ref. 31
Wardrobes (No. 2) with four doors in glass - ref. 32
Furniture (2) low with four wooden doors - ref. 33
Wooden wardrobe with eight doors, two in glass - ref. 34
Writing desks (6) in wood - ref. 35
Chest of drawers (4) in wood - ref. 36
Wooden wardrobe with six doors - ref. 37
Fabric chairs (5), four in red and one in black - rif. 38
Tables (2) with red plastic chairs - rif. 39
Chairs (3) in red plastic - ref. 40
Writing desks (2) in wood - ref. 41
Wardrobe with four doors (glass tops) - ref. 42
Gray sliding door with sliding doors - rif. 43
Chairs (5) in black fabric, of which a swivel - rif. 44
Wardrobe with two doors - rif. 45
Desk - Ref. 46
Chairs (2) in black leatherette - Ref. 47
Wooden writing desk - ref. 48
Wardrobes (2) with two sliding doors - rif. 49
Two-sliding metallic bass cabinet - ref. 50
Wooden low-key mobile computer white - ref. 51
Furniture (2) Metal bass - Computer case - Ref. 52
Small metal desk - ref. 53
Metal Shelves (No. 18) - Ref. 54
Three sliding door wardrobes - rif. 55
Table table with four red plastic chairs - ref. 56
Chairs (5) in orange fabric - ref. 57
Wooden writing desk - ref. 58


Suspended Lot for


Mindste bud € 250,00

Køberens Præmie 10,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 488,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 300,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Shelves - Various furniture
1 Lodder
Nedsatte priser

Shelves - Various furniture

Shelves - Various furniture

Auktion 4893

Auktionshus Catanzaro - Efterår. n. 33/2016
Salg n.5

Mon 18/03/2019 time 15:30

Thu 28/03/2019 time 15:48


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