Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Tue 07/01/2025 time 22:01 | Europe/Rome

Plastic Crockery

Parti 1

Auktion n.18656

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen > Restaurantudstyr

  • Plastic Crockery 1
  • Plastic Crockery 2
All those interested in the purchase will be able to register for the auction until 16/06/2023 time 15:30
  • Beskrivelse

Pallet with 12 cartons containing plastic cup lids.
- with 28 cartons containing plastic cutlery
- with 9 cartons containing dishes
- 16 cartons containing plastic cups


Suspended Lot for


Mindste bud € 25,00

Køberens Præmie 10,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 400,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 25,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Processing of Plastic Materials - Equipment
Processing of Plastic Materials - Equipment
Processing of Plastic Materials - Equipment
8 Lodder

Processing of Plastic Materials - Equipment

Processing of Plastic Materials - Equipment

Auktion 18656

Auktionshus Bari - Efterår. n. 82/2022
Salg n.2

Fri 16/06/2023 time 15:30

Mon 26/06/2023 time 15:30


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San Cataldo (CL) - Italy

Møbler og Udstyr til Restauranter - E

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