Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Thu 19/12/2024 time 16:04 | Europe/Rome

Lot of Pallet Trucks

Parti 63

Auktion n.9165

Logistik > Palleløfter

  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 1
  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 2
  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 3
  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 4
  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 5
  • Lot of Pallet Trucks 6
  • + billede
  • Beskrivelse

The lot includes:

n. 3 manual pallet trucks - ref. 132
lot of maintenance equipment consisting of: n. 4 manual pallet trucks, n. 1 electric lift FAC, n. 1 STHILL EXUX20AC transpallet matr. 710152500249 capacity 2000 kg year 2007 CE marked - ref. 28
n. 2 manual pallet trucks - ref. 232
n. 1 manual transpallet - ref. 58
n. 1 pallet truck - ref. 286
n. 1 manual transpallet, n. 1 manual transpallet (not working) - ref. 241
n. 1 pallet truck - ref. 273
n. 3 manual transpallet (to be maintained) - ref. 114
n. 2 manual transpallets (not working) - ref. 195
n. 1 manual transpallet (not working) - ref. 245

- goods located in Via Croce -


Suspended Lot for


Mindste bud € 50,00

Køberens Præmie 10,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 1.500,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 50,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
82 Lodder

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Auktion 9165

Auktionshus Vicenza - Efterår. n. 128/2019

Mon 05/10/2020 time 15:00

Thu 17/12/2020 time 16:46


Relaterede partier

N. 2 Manuel Transpaletter
Lav et bud


N. 8 Elektriske Palletvogne
Lav et bud


N. 8 Elektriske Palletvogne

Parti 51|Auktion 24889

Lotto Kort

Monselice (PD) - Italy

Metal Skillevægge
Lav et bud


Metal Skillevægge

Parti 42|Auktion 15236

Lotto Kort

Asigliano Veneto (VI) - Italy

Metalreoler, Vægt og Arbejdsudstyr
Lav et bud


Reoler til Ostemodning
Lav et bud


N. 2 Transpallet


N. 2 Transpallet

Parti 3|Auktion 24977

Lotto Kort

Fondi (LT) - Italy

Transpallet Bilancia


Nr. 3 palleløftere og stålstige
CLodder til salg i kombination
3 Lodder
Mobil kompressor og palleløfter
CLodder til salg i kombination
3 Lodder
N. 5 Manuelle Pallevogne


Elektrisk Pallevogn


Elektrisk Pallevogn

Parti 24|Auktion 25193

Lotto Kort

San Lorenzello (BN) - Italy

Transpallet Toyota 7pml20/8


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