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Server tid Thu 16/01/2025 time 20:11 | Europe/Rome

Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment

Parti 3

Auktion n.14584

Møbler og kontor > Forskellige møbler og udstyr

  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 1
  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 2
  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 3
  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 4
  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 5
  • Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment 6
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Furniture and equipment for hairdressing

The lot includes:
- hairdressing furniture and equipment
- hairdressing equipment - aesthetics
- computer equipment
- office furniture
- shelving
- inventories of hairdressing - aesthetic products

In general, the lot includes all the material present in the commercial space located in via Arteixo n. 67 / A.

it may not happen that some elements of the batch are present. It is strongly recommended to make the vision to check the material and quantity.


Suspended Lot for

pris skøn € 3.730,00


Mindste bud € 50,00

Køberens Præmie 5,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 400,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 1.090,00

Moms på lotto 21,00 %hvor det er relevant


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Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment
Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment
Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment
1 Lodder
Auktion på

Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment

Hairdressing Furniture and Equipment

Auktion 14584

Auktionshus A Coruna
Salg n.4

Fri 08/04/2022 time 16:00

Thu 28/04/2022 time 16:00


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