Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Sun 22/12/2024 time 05:11 | Europe/Rome

Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment

Parti 1

Auktion n.20250

Møbler og kontor > Forskellige møbler og udstyr

  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 1
  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 2
  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 3
  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 4
  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 5
  • Vehicle and Office workshop furniture and equipment 6
  • + billede
  • Beskrivelse

lot including furniture, work and workshop equipment, office machines and electronics

Full list in the annex


Suspended Lot for


Mindste bud € 1.000,00

Køberens Præmie 10,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 5.000,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 2.500,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Furniture and equipment for vehicle workshops and offices
Furniture and equipment for vehicle workshops and offices
Furniture and equipment for vehicle workshops and offices
1 Lodder

Furniture and equipment for vehicle workshops and offices

Furniture and equipment for vehicle workshops and offices

Auktion 20250

Auktionshus Vicenza - Efterår. n. 45/2019

Mon 23/10/2023 time 15:30

Fri 24/11/2023 time 15:30


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