Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Sun 05/01/2025 time 08:48 | Europe/Rome

Servers, Computers and Monitors

Parti 10

Auktion n.20658

Møbler og kontor > Informatik og Kontor

  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 1
  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 2
  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 3
  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 4
  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 5
  • Servers, Computers and Monitors 6
  • + billede
the collection should absolutely be done before and no later than 15/01/2024 beyond this date a daily late payment of € 200 plus VAT will be applied.
  • Beskrivelse

The lot includes:

n. 1 mobile rack with three servers and switches - ref. 29
n. 1 personal computer with two monitors - ref. 16
n. 1 personal computer with monitor - ref. 20
n. 1 personal computer with two monitors - ref. 21
n. 1 hp notebook - ref. 22
n. 1 audio amplifier with microphone - ref. 17


Denne vare er en del af:

Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
Office furniture and computer equipment
CLodder til salg i kombination
12 Lodder
Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
Office furniture and equipment
12 Lodder
Nedsatte priser

Office furniture and equipment

Office furniture and equipment

Auktion 20658

Auktionshus Bolzano - Tvungen likvidation n. 13/2023
Salg n.2

Wed 22/11/2023 time 16:00

Wed 13/12/2023 time 16:00


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Møbler og kontor

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Lotto Kort

Ora (BZ) - Italy

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Møbler og kontor


Parti 10|Auktion 24378

Lotto Kort

Ora (BZ) - Italy

Kontor Elektronik - A
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Kontor Elektronik - A

Parti 12|Auktion 24538

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Rovereto (TN) - Italy

Kontormøbler - A
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Kontormøbler - B
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Kontormøbler - C
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Niscemi (CL) - Italy

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Nr. 2 Rackskabe med Udstyr til Datacenter

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Venezia (VE) - Italy


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Parti 16|Auktion 25372

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Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) - Italy

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