Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Sat 31/08/2024 time 22:59 | Europe/Rome

Catering furniture

Auktion n. 15590

Auktionshus Vicenza - Efterår. n. 63/2021
Salg n.2

Caldogno (VI) - Italy

Catering furniture - Bank. 63/2021 - Vicenza L.C. - Sale 2
Catering furniture - Bank. 63/2021 - Vicenza L.C. - Sale 2
Catering furniture - Bank. 63/2021 - Vicenza L.C. - Sale 2
2 Lodder
Nedsættelse -20%
Fri 15/07/2022 time 15:00
Wed 31/08/2022 time 15:00
  • Beskrivelse

Catering furniture

Bankruptcy n. 63/2021 - Vicenza Law Court

It is also possible to bid on Complete Lot (Lot 0) which includes all lots in auction.

For further information consult lot webpages

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

Possible adaptations of the goods to all the regulations in force and in particular to those of prevention, safety as well as those concerning ecological and environmental protection and - more generally - the regulations in force will be the sole responsibility of the purchaser who will bear any expense with exemption from from any liability in this regard. Any instrumental goods that do not comply with the regulations currently in force on the subject, where included in the inventory, will be considered the object of the sale only as goods for spare parts, with the exclusion of any responsibility of the Curate for the hypothesis of use of the same by the transferee. . In particular, for any goods that do not comply with safety regulations, without the CE mark, the contractor is obliged to proceed, at his own exclusive care, charge and risk, to their compliance with the law or, if it is not found to be possible, to their disposal in the forms of the law.
Complete Lot
Complete Lot
Complete Lot
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N. 15 Tables

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

N. 15 Tables

Parti 20|Auktion 15590

Lotto Kort

Caldogno (VI) - Italy

Catering Furniture - B

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

Catering Furniture - B

Parti 21|Auktion 15590

Lotto Kort

Caldogno (VI) - Italy

  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

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