Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Fri 27/12/2024 time 09:12 | Europe/Rome

Furniture and Bar Equipment

Parti 3

Auktion n.21031

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen > Restaurantudstyr

  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 1
  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 2
  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 3
  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 4
  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 5
  • Furniture and Bar Equipment 6
  • + billede
  • Beskrivelse
The lot includes:
Bar counter with wooden frame and Frigomeccanica marble covering, 3 meters long by 1.15 high and approximately 80 cm deep, with Caltagirone-type ceramic tile work, n. 1 steel sink with two bowls, n. 4 wells for granita, n. 2 drawers and two refrigerated doors. Built-in motor. Corner used as a cash desk of about one meter with drawer - ref. 1
Hot table showcase with wooden decoration, dimensions: length 1.50 meters, depth 85 cm, height about 1.40 meters - ref. 2
Tekna column refrigerator with 15 trays - in bad condition - ref. 5
Frigomeccanica ice cream display case with 12 wells, dimensions: length 170 cm, height 134 cm, depth about 115 cm - without front display case and motor - ref. 6
Corner counter, with sink and stapler predisposition for beer, dimensions: length 170 and width 130 cm, height about 110 cm - ref. 7
Hot table showcase in glass, dimensions: length 150 cm, depth 70 cm, height about 56 cm - ref. 8


Suspended Lot for

pris skøn € 3.650,00


Mindste bud € 50,00

Køberens Præmie 15,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 100,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 100,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Catering equipment
Catering equipment
Catering equipment
5 Lodder
Frit bud

Catering equipment

Catering equipment

Auktion 21031

Auktionshus Siracusa - Efterår. n. 44/2022
Salg n.6

Fri 22/12/2023 time 17:00

Thu 08/02/2024 time 17:04


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