Online auktionsplatform og reklameside godkendt af Justitsministeriet

Server tid Wed 08/01/2025 time 06:58 | Europe/Rome

Bar Furniture and Equipment

Parti 1

Auktion n.21282

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen > Restaurantudstyr

  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 1
  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 2
  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 3
  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 4
  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 5
  • Bar Furniture and Equipment 6
  • + billede
  • Beskrivelse

The lot includes:

equipped bar counter with rear wall, measures 3.60 x 60 x 90 h - ref. 1
cash counter, measures 60 x 83 x 90 h - ref. 2
rear wall, measures 2.97 x 60 x 80 h - ref. 3
rear wall (raised element), measures 109 x 60 x 96 h - ref. 4
side counter, measures 195 x 60 x 116 h - ref. 5
display cabinet with 4 doors and showcase, measures 2.98 x 35 x 202 h - ref. 6
corner cabinet, measures 44 x 35 x 202 h - ref. 7
piece of furniture under the air conditioner, measures 2.05 x 35 x 112 h - ref. 8
wooden shelf with 4 white shelves, measures 2.50 x 30 x 193 h - ref. 9
professional slicer Sirman mod. Agate 330 - ref. 10


Suspended Lot for


Mindste bud € 50,00

Køberens Præmie 10,00 %

Indskudsgaranti: € 100,00

Tillægsgebyrer for administration € 150,00

Moms på lotto 22,00 %hvor det er relevant


Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Building equipment - Furniture and bar equipment
Building equipment - Furniture and bar equipment
Building equipment - Furniture and bar equipment
2 Lodder
Nedsatte priser

Building equipment - Furniture and bar equipment

Building equipment - Furniture and bar equipment

Auktion 21282

Auktionshus Pescara - Efterår. n. 14/2022
Salg n.7

Fri 19/01/2024 time 16:00

Thu 22/02/2024 time 16:00


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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen


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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

Møbler og Udstyr til Restaurationsbranchen - B
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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

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Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

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Lav et bud

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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Lotto Kort

Città Sant'Angelo (PE) - Italy

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Lav et bud

Fødevarer og restaurationsbranchen

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