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Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment

Parti 35

Auktion n.5009

Diverse > Luft- og Væskebehandling

  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 1
  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 2
  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 3
  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 4
  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 5
  • Suction Plant and Miscellaneous Equipment 6
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  • Beskrivelse

N. 1 miter saw OMGA roller conveyor with wire (to be used as spare parts) - ref. 13
n. 1 cavettatrice SIMAL, Mod. LS / 6.4, # 184, 1981 (use as spare parts) - ref. 100
n. 1 squaring OMAC (use as spare parts) - ref. 45

suction and abatement plant VENETA IMPIANTI powders consisting of:
n. 1 silos, n. 1 electric fan with silencer, various pipes and let down - ref. 109

n. 1 to methane gas boiler TONON, BP170 type, factory n. 1988 useful thermal output 169,500 kcal / h, provided with burner Thermomec - ref. 111


Denne vare er en del af:

Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
Combination of Machinery and artisanal building for woodworking
CLodder til salg i kombination
23 Lodder
Anmod om Oplysninger Anmod om visning
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building
23 Lodder
Nedsatte priser

Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building

Woodworking - Machinery and artisanal building

Auktion 5009

Auktionshus Vicenza - Efterår. n. 40/2015
Salg n.4

Mon 27/05/2019 time 15:00

Wed 26/06/2019 time 15:00


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