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Venturini Sliding Overhead Crane 6 TON

Лот 11

Аукција n.21287

Логистика > Мостни кранови

  • Venturini Sliding Overhead Crane 6 TON 1
  • Venturini Sliding Overhead Crane 6 TON 2
  • Venturini Sliding Overhead Crane 6 TON 3
  • Опис

Double-girder sliding bridge crane, manufacturer Costruzioni Meccaniche Venturini e C. S.n.c., factory no. 663, year 1990, maximum capacity 6000 Kg, matr n° VR14243/90, approx. 17 m - ref. 41

Before starting the dismantling and removal activities, the successful tenderer will have to sign a declaration of indemnity for any damage to people/things/third parties that may occur during the aforementioned activities.
The successful bidder must also provide a specific third party civil liability policy.

- For dismantling it will be necessary to move stones and other material -

For further information see the certificate in the annex

Година: 1990

Марка: Venturini

Број индекса: VR14243/90


Лото Суспендовано за

Цена резерве

Минимална понуда € 100,00

Премија купца 10,00 %

Депозит кауције: € 1.000,00

Додатни трошкови управљања € 350,00

ПДВ на лото 22,00 %где је применљиво


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