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Clothing and Shop Furniture - G

Лот 10

Аукција n.12448

Odeća > Текстил и Конфекција

  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 1
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 2
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 3
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 4
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 5
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - G 6
  • + слика
  • Опис

Clothing and shop furniture as described below:

N. 1320 items of clothing of which 1000 men's / women's shirts and the remaining sweaters, ties, trousers and outerwear - ref. 247

The total quantities of the goods indicated could be subject to variation of +/- 5%

Shop furniture consisting of:
cash desk in walnut laminate, two anti-theft stations, four stender structures, two dressing room curtains, a director's chair, a three-step staircase, a powder fire extinguisher, 44 wooden pallets 120x80 of which 18 with wheels, 25 various types of mannequins, one metal planter and umbrella stand - ref. 244

Electronic equipment consisting of:
Acer Veriton computer with keyboard and mouse monitor, RCH print-FT40 fiscal meter complete with keyboard and monitor, Revolution HT 7000 banknote verification, Brother MFCJ4620DW printer, Datalogic barcode reader, cordless. Sony cd / mp3 player and a router - ref. 245
N. 26 white spotlights with LED lights - ref. 246

The material described above is packed and boxed as shown in the attached photos


Лото Суспендовано за

Цена резерве

Минимална понуда € 250,00

Премија купца 10,00 %

Депозит кауције: € 1.000,00

Додатни трошкови управљања € 250,00

ПДВ на лото 22,00 %где је применљиво


Затражи информације Захтевај приказ
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
22 Лотови

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Аукција 12448

Суд Padova - Пад. n. 65/2021

Fri 17/09/2021 сати 15:30

Tue 26/10/2021 сати 15:49

Картица Аукције

Повезани лотови

Maneken za peglanje košulja i presa


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Топпер, Стол за Пеглање и Уклањач Мрља


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Roll, Pegla za peglanje i Kolica za kupovinu
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Разноразна женска одећа - Н. 4.272 комада
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Тканине и Подлоге - 22.500 кг
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Лот трака, патент, дугмад, заковице, ланци и разни додаци
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