Управник електронске продаје и сајт за оглашавање одобрен од стране Министарства правде

Време сервера Sat 27/07/2024 сати 22:18 | Europe/Rome

Electrical Transformers

Лот 32

Аукција n.19198

Разно > Електроника

  • Electrical Transformers 1
  • Electrical Transformers 2
  • Electrical Transformers 3
  • Electrical Transformers 4
  • Electrical Transformers 5
  • Electrical Transformers 6
  • + слика
- The purchase of this lot requires the payment of an extra cost for management and warehouse costs equal to € 276,84 plus VAT
  • Опис

Il lotto comprende:

n. 415 WP10 S 50W 12V ART. 61300000, anno prod. 2018, lotto 4818DA - rif. 1506
n. 129 WP10 S 200W 12V ART. 61300003, anno prod. 2015, lotto P2115C - rif. 1508
n. 46 WP10 S 100W 24V ART. 61300005, anno prod. 2018, lotto 4818DA - rif. 1510
n. 932 WP10 S 200W 24V ART. 61300007, anno prod. 2019, lotto 3419DA - rif. 1512
n. 447 WP10-P S 100W 12V ART. 61300008, anno prod. 2015, lotto P0815C - rif. 1513
n. 235 WP10-P S 200W 12V ART. 61300010, anno prod. 2015, lotto P0815C - rif. 1515
n. 249 WP10-P S 100W 24V ART. 61300011, anno prod. 2017, lotto 0117DA - rif. 1516
n. 189 WP10-P S 150W 24V ART. 61300012, anno prod. 2017, lotto 0117DA - rif. 1517
n. 94 WPL LED MOD 4x20 12Vdc CC CW ART. 41500005, anno prod. 2019, lotto 4219DS - rif. 1091

- The sale takes place in the body and not to measure, there may be slight differences in the quantity of the items
- Any inere inherent and consequent to the sale is the sole responsibility of the successful bidder
- The depositary of the goods will take care of preparing and making available the goods envisaged in the individual lots, in the state in which they are found, ready to be loaded on the tipper; therefore the successful bidder will have to take care of the collection and transport of the purchased items and that only authorized personnel will be able to carry out the goods preparation activities.


Лото Суспендовано за

цена процене € 3.903,83

Цена резерве

Минимална понуда € 100,00

Премија купца 10,00 %

Депозит кауције: € 200,00

ПДВ на лото 22,00 %где је применљиво

Цене наведене преко ПДВ-а и такса као што је прописано законом


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Lighting Accessories - Electrical Equipment

Lighting Accessories - Electrical Equipment

Аукција 19198

Суд Firenze - Пад. n. 122/2021
Продаја n.4

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